dicing with a whale shark in Oman
July 27, 2021 6 MIN READ Eline
Not many things are as irritating as wanting to (free) dive and feeling fine, but finding out that your sinuses are congested. It has happened to me before... I had...


Frappe Ink - Sailboat Tattoo
August 4, 2022 2 MIN READ
Thinking of what should be your first or next tattoo? It might be a sailboat. Maybe you want to represent...
By: Eline


April 14, 2023 10 MIN READ Eline
Flatwater kitespot at Masirah Island, Oman 10 Reasons to go to Oman  Oman has many great spots for kitesurfing and they are not as crowded as many other spots around the world, most of the time it is just you or with a maximum 5 other kiters 25-30 knots from...
Frappe Ink - Sailboat Tattoo
August 4, 2022 2 MIN READ Eline